Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Proposed Exit Techniques by friends & family.

Friends and family have come up with many different ways of how I should prepare my R2I program, especially on when and how I should leave US.

1) Kajal, Vikram and Parul and many others
Go to India as a vacation for a month, do the job search and also see if I can fit back there, come back resign and leave. Basically the job will be guaranteed and I know where I will be when I finally go back.

2) By Latha (May 2005):
Join a company which has an office in India. Once comfortable ask them to have a lateral shift to the Indian office.

3) Web sites (Options in India)
Apply online and through recruiters and take a 10 day trip to India solely to attend interviews.

4) Go after another 2 years once you have earned enough :D fails terribly because of x = x + 1 syndrome.

As you can see the ideas, the R2I includes the biggest factor - The Job. Where and what position I will be given? What salary range will it be? Will I be happy with the work and salary package?

To me, R2I and Job are different entities even though they are two sides of a coin - like you won't go back if you don't have a desired job and you may not find the desired job if you do not go back.
The return to India itself is a huge task that unless you have a hard dead line, you will keep procrastinating it. So, the date you want to leave has higher significance.

Well as of today (14/Aug/2007) my Exit strategy is to not to slip the dates. That means I am willing to compromise on the job portion. I once thought that I would leave even though if I do not have the job, but it is very hard to do that because not only it is scary to be in India without job but also that you would lose the advantage of negotiation as you will be desperate to get a job. So, primary goal is to find some job (be secure first), i.e. compromise on one part of the job - either desired location or desired compensation or desired position, but leave on time!
BTW it made me feel happy that I will be having Indian green card (Citizenship restored) :D i.e no more H1B issues nor visa issues to switch the job :)

So, for 1 and 3 - Return to India will gets tougher and tougher if I do not take a hard step. And I do not want to explain 300 people in India who will be planning to wash my brain with all different ideas. And, what if I do not get desired job in that time? Literally that would make the R2I just impossible.
Sep 10 - Now that I think, may be I have to bank on this idea. Lets see.

for 2, I could have tried that but VistaPrint offer was very promising and finding a specefic job you want, will always make you compromise on something. And it's not guarnateed that the company agrees on my move to India.

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